Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I'm here!

Groups of people walking up & down the street..neighborhood tours..hearing stories of specific events that have happened in surrounding neighborhoods..broken glass..areas that are drug infested..run down houses..biblical community..service..deep life-on-life..challenging heart issues beginning to be talked about..these are all things that I've had the priviledge of being exposed to and realities that exist daily on the westside of Montgomery. Words are so inadequate to paint the picture of the wonderful and heart wrentching things that I've had the priviledge to be apart of. One verse that has been stuck in mind these past two days is Psalm 139:13-14 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful, I know that full well." They are all His..they are fearfully and wonderfully made. What a privilege to be with them!
Once we got here some of the interns were hanging out at the Community Center in the staff offices and so we walked in and got to it..some good ole' bonding! It's so sweet to see the Lord work, it astonishes me! One thing that I prayed specifically for was that we would be a deep rooted and united body..and that's what He is already doing! Not that His will is indictive of what I pray but what an honor and priviledge that He heard and answered! Already there have been hours of conversations where we ask each other hard questions and really get to know each other..it blows me away!
The central place for the kids to come is the Common Ground community center, located smack in the middle of the neighborhoods. The building is a tan building with bright red doors and inside is colorful, fun, and brightly decorated! The staff live in the surrounding neighborhoods amongst the families and the intern house is about 3 blocks from the community center. Uncle Irvin will be living with the interns for safety,"keep us in check" reasons, and we just get the priviledge to live with him! We got to meet him today and I had the opportunity to start to get to know him..he's wonderful! Today, specifically, we took a tour of the surrounding projects and really learned about what life looks like here. Words can't express the grip that this reality has done in my life and will continue to do. It's like the coldest cup of water ever was splashed on my face. This week will be orientation and next week the kids "arrive"! Our schedule once the camp starts everyday will be around 8AM-9PMish which will be hard but so good! We are reading 2 books this summer "Divided by Faith, Evangelical religion and the problem of race in America" and "When helping hurts, how to aleviate poverty without hurting the poor and yourself" I can't wait to dive into these books! We started reading Divided by Faith today and it's a tough read but I want to perservere! We are also studying the book of James. You all..words are so inadequate to be able to communicate the priviledge that it's been to be here for two days.
The names of the interns are Anna-Laura, Dia, Fred, Brittany, Meaghan, Sophia, Red, Chaquanna, Ava, Travis, James, Fred, William, Micah, Tora, and me! Please pray for us, the kids, & staff. Pray for vunerability, accountability, openess to look at issues that may be new to us, wisdom as we invest in these kids, that God would do a tremendous work, and that we would pursue a biblical community. I can't wait to learn first from the Lord and from everyone here..kids included! A phrase we came up with is "It may seem crazy..but it's so right!"
Phew..only 48 hours and I am already being so rocked!

I am so grateful for all of you and I love you all! The pictures are from orientation!
Can't wait to update again!


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